I have been "on the road" for about 60 years! LOL! I had 15 different addresses by the age of 19, when I joined the Army. And it has not slowed down yet! I have had the opportunity to travel through all 50 states many times. Spent 3 years in Alaska. Have driven the AlCan Hwy thru Canada a couple of times also. And I've had the opportunity to visit about 29 countries.
So why do I still "live on the road"? Why am I #houseless?
Because I love to drive!! No, really....I love to drive! LOL! That's one reason!
But I also hope to be able to show folks that there is a world/life out here that is not tied to a time-clock, that you can slow down and "smell the roses", there are still places that are quiet, peaceful, soul soothing and do not have a "false facade.
My hope is that I will be able to maybe help one person "go to the woods", run the slow roads, find out that there are places all across this great Nation where a person can still be a person and where Nature is still the boss!
So come along with me and travel our forgotten roads to see just what jewels we can find together!!
I partially plan my travels with a 1954 Rand McNally road atlas! Amazing how the roads have changed, or rather increased, since the year I was born!
Anyway, I look for places that are well off the beaten path and moving at the speed of 1954!
I have "built" my mobile tiny home over the course of 2 years, and "Lily" is still in the "build stage"! It is an ongoing project that I'm living in, on the road during the process.
I've learned to be a minimalist, a re-purposer & a think outside the box! I doesn't take a lot of money to do this...but it does take an open mind and desire to live rather on the outside edge of society.
My hope is that those that are not able to life this lifestyle, but want to, will be able to travel vicariously thru my travels. See the places thru my photographs and videos!
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question. Send me an email or use the chat button to the right of this window. :-)
100%! What happens in our sessions stays in our sessions, just like seeing a therapist.
So far I have only gotten hassled at a couple of Wally's. And it actually was not their issue, but the "city fathers" had passed ordinances that stopped any overnight parking at any "shopping center" in the towns.
As you probably know, I do this on a very tight fixed income. So I have a rather small battery array for my solar. That said, I have also worked very hard to make sure that I have kept my power needs as small as possible. I will be doing a video soon dealing with my power setup and keeping your power needs low. I have kept mine to the point that all I need when plugged up is a regular 15amp wall plug.
Travels with Frog & Lilypad Productions